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Recruiters, Candidates: How to Deal with the Recruitment Process


Regardless of whether you are a recruiter or a candidate, the recruitment process is a major part of every business. The need to recruit is often self- imposed, and even though the process may be long and often restrictive, it should be taken seriously. 

Recruiter: how to define your job description

Every job description must follow specific principles, and it is essential to mention all of the elements that define the job.

First and foremost, analyze your recruitment needs. The objective here is to find the candidate who has all the qualifications and requirements your company desires. In order to achieve this, it is essential to identify your needs. This can be done by analyzing whether the need is the result of :

  • Evaluation of the activities of the company
  • Development of your company
  • Signed deals  with new clients
  • Launch of  a new product or service
  • Replacement of   an employee, etc.

Every good recruiter needs to take their time in answering these important questions objectively. This step  can be made  easier by illustrating these questions with realistic examples.

It is only after taking these steps that you can review your job description. From this point, the recruiter must determine the various responsibilities related to the position to be filled.

Each job description must include the qualifications and requirements intended for each position in a precise, highly detailed manner. Do not forget to mention the expected objectives in terms of results, the necessary interpersonal skills and know-how, the required languages ​​and software knowledge, the diplomas and qualifications required, as well as the possible remuneration offers.

Recruiter: how to define a proper recruitment process

Every strategy requires specific, organized procedures, and recruitment is no exception. It’s a long process, one that requires a lot of effort and credibility. Recruiters seek candidates who will best meet the company’s needs and are qualified for the position, and more importantly, recruiters need someone who can make good use of the current conditions to evolve and increase productivity.

It is important to note that there is no such thing as the perfect candidate. It is therefore up to human resources management to develop a good recruitment process in order to get the best within the labor market. The key words of a good recruitment strategy are consistency, objectivity, and realism. You need to ask yourself some questions to understand if the person you want in your company really exists and if the required skills you are asking for are feasible.

A recruitment process that is not properly carried out is risky and can cost your business. This means it requires a good reflection and precise answers to various questions. The analysis of your business needs must come first. Why are you recruiting? What skills should your new employee possess ?

This is the perfect time to define the skills and qualifications required for the position. Afterward, you should ensure that the new recruit is in line with the company’s strategic vision and within its budget.

If you want qualified candidates, it is essential you clearly specify the position and its expectations. The aim is to be just as precise with the description of the mission, the qualifications, and the skills required for the position.

The remaining process includes the circulation or broadcasting of your job offer. With this, it is important to focus on your website, social networks, and especially on specialized job websites.

Finally, you must prepare your interviews in such a way where you have authority over your candidates. The objective of a good recruiter is to be empathetic, stay open, and to make your interlocutor as confident as possible.

Candidate: tailor your CV according to the position and qualifications

Candidates should keep in mind that your resume and cover letter are your tools for landing the job. For the most part, tailoring your cover letter to the offer is quite natural and conventional, but it’s not the same when it comes to writing a CV. And yet, this could the winning strategy you’re missing out on.

Indeed, tailoring your CV to the job description shows that you are passionate and very interested in the company and its goals. As you probably already know, when it comes to recruitment, you have to know how to make the difference and stand out from other candidates. The latter is often very important, and you must put forth every effort if you want to get the job of your dreams.

To start with, understand the current offer. It’s important to focus on the proposed objectives and requirements, and to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the position; you will need to highlight your qualifications and experience in fulfilling these objectives.

It’s also important to identify the similarities between the available job and your professional background. Highlight your experience in your previous jobs and correlate that with the objectives of the proposed job. If you have a variety of theoretical knowledge about the sector, do not hesitate to discuss that.

Go further in your approach and do not neglect some important information about the company, such as its culture, demographics, or values, as these are important factors that will help you during your interview.

Finally, it is important you appear professional in your CV. Use the appropriate vocabulary relevant to the field. Think of the keywords your prospective company will want to hear.

Show your expertise by putting a particular emphasis on your soft skills. Learn the know-how; make the required skills a part of you.

Carine Curtet

Diplômée du MBA de Mc Gill University au Canada, j’accompagne des entreprises dans le domaine des Ressources Humaines depuis plus de 20 ans. Coach pour votre vie professionnelle ou coach pour votre vie personnelle, je vous aide à trouver les solutions qui vous conviennent.