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What is outplacement ?

It is a benefit financed by your employer to help you find a job. The consultant accompanies the future jobseeker in his various steps.

There are two kinds of outplacement:

  • Individual outplacement for employees who have been dismissed or made redundant
  • Collective outplacement for collective redundancies. It then concerns all the staff of the company being dismissed.

Steps of the return to employment

The purpose of the service is to accompany the employee who is the object of this dismissal with individual support to optimize his return to employment.

The consultant can accompany the employee on the various stages of his return to employment:

  • clarify the professional project,
  • work on the different options available to him and possibly evaluate the feasibility of developing a new professional project
  • analysis his future career choices, options and feasibility
  • actively accompany him in his job search

The coaching will help better understand the job market, enhance how to reach new goals. This monitoring also makes it possible to start a new job in a positive state of mind.

Conventional termination (rupture conventionnelle) & Outplacement

Under french law, a job termination has to follow specific rules. The conventional termination is a relatively recent way of ending a contract. It allows the employer and the employee to separate by mutual agreement and define upstream the conditions for the termination of the employment contract.

If this mechanism of breach of the labor contract is provided for by law and supervised, it remains relatively simple and allows the employee to leave his job while avoiding the risk of resignation (such as not having unemployment allowance).

It encourages job mobility by allowing the employee to leave his company while having the possibility of being covered by unemployment insurance if, by bad luck, the new job was not sustainable or if there was a break in the unemployment trial period .

The law provides the amount of compensation indemnity and the prevenance delay. However, it is  possible to negotiate specific departure conditions, including outplacement, also known as the outplacement procedure.