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I certainly would recommend Carine to anybody who won’t shy in doing this deep self-introspection to better understand themselves and finally unlock their professional happiness

Développement de carrière

I discovered Carine during a career assessment and coaching sessions, which helped me identifying what truly passionate and motivate me professionally. Months later, I naturally felt compelled to seek for her help again when I was hunting for a new role. She never hesitated in challenging me in my understanding of the job descriptions and employer’s expectations. She knew how to push me beyond my comfort zone, which helped identify my weaknesses and improvement opportunities. The additional confidence I gained through these sessions allowed me to better prepare for my job interviews and get my dream job. I certainly would recommend Carine to anybody who won’t shy in doing this deep self-introspection to better understand themselves and finally unlock their professional happiness. I am convinced I will continue using her as a coach to help me reach my next career goals.

Carine Curtet

Diplômée du MBA de Mc Gill University au Canada, j’accompagne des entreprises dans le domaine des Ressources Humaines depuis plus de 20 ans. Coach pour votre vie professionnelle ou coach pour votre vie personnelle, je vous aide à trouver les solutions qui vous conviennent.